How to zoom in Photoshop

Updated: 20 April

When working with Photoshop we need to know several basic functions and one of them is zooming. It is important when we are working with details.

How to zoom in Photoshop
Foto: Dokumen Pribadi

To use this function, you can use several ways like using shortcut on your keyboard, using your mouse or using a combination of them both. My favorite one is the combination of mouse and keyboard button.

How to zoom in Photoshop

Using Shortcut from Keyboard

To zoom using keyboard shortcut, just press "Z" button. To zoom in, hold "CTRL" and "+" button. To zoom out. hold "CTRL" and "-".

Using Mouse only

Navigate to the left and click "magnifier" icon. Go to left top, you will see zoom in and zoom out icons.

Easier way to zoom using your mouse is just hold your mouse left button then drag your mouse to left to zoom in, and to zoom out drag it to right.

The Combination

Another way to zoom is by using a combination of your keyboard and your mouse. First one is press "Z" button, then press left button on mouse to zoom in, and if you want to zoom out, hold "ALT" button then left click.

To zoom in to a point centered on where you click the mouse button, press "Spacebar and CTRL" then Click. To zoom out to a point centered on where you click the mouse button, press "Spacebar and ALT" then Click.

My favorite one is press "Z" button and hold muse left click button then drag it to zoom.

More to read: How to flip image in Photoshop


Action Mouse Windows Shortcut Mac Shortcut
Zoom in. Press "Z", hold mouse's left button then drag it to right Ctrl+the plus key (Press Ctrl and the + key.) Command+the plus key
Zoom out. Press "Z", hold mouse's left button then drag it to left Ctrl+the minus key (Press Ctrl and then the – key.) Command+the minus key
Zoom in to a point centered on where you click the mouse button. - Spacebar+Ctrl-click Spacebar+Command-click
Zoom out from a point centered on where you click. - Spacebar+Alt-click Spacebar+Option-click

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